Today Famitsu revealed three new additions to the Super Street Fighter IV roster: Guy and Cody from Final Fight, and Adon, from Street Fighter the first and the Alpha series. Expect to see all three wrecking fools in mind boggling 3D when the game releases this spring.
Counting the three previously confirmed characters (newcomer Juri plus T. Hawk and Deejay of SFII fame), six of the rumored ‘eight to ten’ characters have now been revealed. If rumors and Seth Kilian can be trusted, that leaves between two and four remaining characters to be announced… All of which should be Dudley from Street Fighter III. I’ll even tell you how it fits into the fiction: the car in the already revealed bonus stages? The one you beat up for ‘points’? That belonged to Dudley’s dad, and now you have to pay. Search your feelings: you know it to be true.
Note also that Guy is punching a kunai out of the air in his upper right hand screenshot: the kind of kunai that a certain less than totally dressed ninja girl from Street Fighter III has been known to toss around. The caption for the picture asks, “Who’s kunai is that?” Not Ryu’s, that’s for fucking certain. I’ll leave it at that and let you draw your own conclusions.
Pics below.
wild west kidd says
elena! and 1 of the kung-fu twins!! please capcom! ive been loyal to u guys since i was getting my asked kicked training hard til this day with Ryu in 1986!!! pleassssssssse capcom!
G-Boobie says
You and I both know you’re going to pick up T. Hawk and probably some Cody, because they’re weird. 🙂
Slappy says
Wow, it is going to be really hard to pick a main in SSFIV!
I mained Adon in Alpha (before learning Gief) and Dudley was one of my mains in III.