Despite confusion over who is doing what, where is doing when, and what the fuck is going on, is pleased to announce that Ranbats Season 3 begins next week! Our motto: we’re going to be confused anyway, so fuck it just do something. It’s served us well so far.
Season 3 begins on April 9th, a Saturday, at eight PM, and will run every other Saturday. This is so anyone who wants to participate with AaronS’s Ann Arbor Ranbats can do so, as they’re running on the Saturdays we’re not. I TOLD you that was going to happen, Chauncy. LoL and SCII my asshole. The season will run for eight installments.
Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Super Street Fighter IV are the games, and will run in that order. Check the thread in the forums (that’s a link, folks) for the rules, and check the “Ranbat” link on the main page tool bar to keep up with who’s got what points.
Hope to see you there!
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