Hotsauce hosts a mean party! Friday night he was kind enough to invite us into his home for casuals, and it was a complete success. There were four TVs running SFIV at the same time, with enough tournament sticks to go around. Cake Farts prepared more hot meat than we could handle, and after a quick beer-run I was all settled into to ruin my next-day.
There were about 15 people by my count, and what none of us realized at the time however, was that we had just signed up for a seminar in game balance courtesy of Haypultone. Now we all feel a little bit worse about ourselves for playing such overpowered characters…
Not to be outdone, Smurf did the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in a match, and then showed some really excellent coaching skills by telling Hotsauce how to destroy my Zangief with just four words.
Lots of new people showed up, it’s nice to see the group growing and growing! Also we all got to see a catfight, which makes the party successful by most anyone’s standards.
Thanks for hosting, and I am definitely looking forward to your next one!