The turnout for ranbat3.1 Saturday was good, with plenty of new faces from the East side of the state. Hope to see you back next time guys!
At the end of the day it was Hove who took 1st in MvC3 with a very scary Magneto that dominated the grand finals against local Singe.
In SSF4 two of’s own battled in the grand finals but it was Holdy Snausages’ C.Viper that stood triumphant over Hotsauce’s Balrog at the end of a set that really came down to the wire.
The top eight in both games are as follows:
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
1st: Hove
2nd: Singe
3rd: Chauncy Talon
4th: Cake Farts
5th: Swifty McQuik
5th: Danimal
7th: Slappy
7th: Cuban Ace
Super Street Fighter IV
1st: Holdy Snausages
2nd: Hotsauce
3rd: Singe
4th: G-Boobie
5th: Cuban Ace
5th: Swifty McQuik
7th: Chauncy Talon
7th: Slappy
Full results to come. And now, MY FIGHT MONEY!
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