GrandLAN seems to be a good fit. Plenty of room, just enough privacy, creepy haunted house attached.
Help Choose a Venue!
Check out this thread where you can suggest and vote on our venue for weekly play!
Make your voice heard!
(But not by screaming something in Japanese and setting me on fire)
Bad Video From Good Ranbats
Attention: schedule tomorrow
Skynet has stupidly scheduled a birthday party in our room Saturday.
So we don’t have the room until 5pm tomorrow but Sam is knocking $5 off everyone’s admission and buying us food.
We are free to play on the few other crappy setups that are not in our room till then.
Sorry for the inconvenience and the late start for this event. I scheduled it with the assumption that they would honor their agreement to keep the room reserved for us.
Ranbat 3.1 results
The turnout for ranbat3.1 Saturday was good, with plenty of new faces from the East side of the state. Hope to see you back next time guys!
At the end of the day it was Hove who took 1st in MvC3 with a very scary Magneto that dominated the grand finals against local Singe.
In SSF4 two of’s own battled in the grand finals but it was Holdy Snausages’ C.Viper that stood triumphant over Hotsauce’s Balrog at the end of a set that really came down to the wire.
The top eight in both games are as follows:
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
1st: Hove
2nd: Singe
3rd: Chauncy Talon
4th: Cake Farts
5th: Swifty McQuik
5th: Danimal
7th: Slappy
7th: Cuban Ace
Super Street Fighter IV
1st: Holdy Snausages
2nd: Hotsauce
3rd: Singe
4th: G-Boobie
5th: Cuban Ace
5th: Swifty McQuik
7th: Chauncy Talon
7th: Slappy
Full results to come. And now, MY FIGHT MONEY!
GRAPSF Ranbats Season 3 Begins Next Week
Despite confusion over who is doing what, where is doing when, and what the fuck is going on, is pleased to announce that Ranbats Season 3 begins next week! Our motto: we’re going to be confused anyway, so fuck it just do something. It’s served us well so far.
Season 3 begins on April 9th, a Saturday, at eight PM, and will run every other Saturday. This is so anyone who wants to participate with AaronS’s Ann Arbor Ranbats can do so, as they’re running on the Saturdays we’re not. I TOLD you that was going to happen, Chauncy. LoL and SCII my asshole. The season will run for eight installments.
Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Super Street Fighter IV are the games, and will run in that order. Check the thread in the forums (that’s a link, folks) for the rules, and check the “Ranbat” link on the main page tool bar to keep up with who’s got what points.
Hope to see you there!
[insert good writing here]
11-28-09 Play: New Blood
There were many new faces playing Street Fighter this Saturday, and that’s great. Cuban’s better half Nora is on the ranbat scoreboard now with her excellent Chun Li, and Mark showed us all some very solid kung fu courtesy of Fei Long. Hope to see you back again!
After most everyone went home I witnessed ULX regulars Joel and Zack falling in love with Street Fighter, totally hooked so expect to see them learning fast in the near future.
In addition, many of our newer regulars made it back, becoming MORE regular (without any help from fiber), and we even played a little Smash for a change, which I love.
For me personally the highlight of the night was facing Sagat (hotsauce) while ULX staff (or was that Rock Band?) blasted “Eye of the Tiger” at full volume. That song is just so…. It should be played during every fight basically.
RanBat 1.5 results:
1st – SmurfTac0s (8)
2nd – Slappy (7)
3rd – Hotsauce! (6)
4th -Mark (5)
5th -Cuban_Ace (4)
6th -Fred (3)
7th -Nora (2)
8th – CakeFarts (1)
Rock Band Beatles was playing all night and now it’s stuck in my head…
11-21-09 Play: The Return of Perrin & Aaron
Super late writing this so sorry, I forgot most everything that happened.
Welcome back Dutch and Aaron who haven’t been around for a while, it was good to see you back!
Aaron was kicking ass and taking names as usual. Also was it my imagination or was OctopusOnFire really really really really on. More than usual I mean. Been training hard?
An important discovery was made today: ULX has a cappuccino machine. Nothing fancy but beats the heck out of a plain pot of coffee (and energy drinks imho). Drink up, they are just $1.00!
RanBat 1.4 results:
1st – Aaron (8)
2nd – Slappy (7)
3rd – Haypultone (6)
4th – OctopusOnFire (5)
5th – HoldySnausages (4)
6th – Hotsauce! (3)
7th – Dutch0 (2)
8th – Chauncy “Tru” Talon (1)
GRAPSF Meetup, November 14th 2009: Teledildonics Represents, The Return of MrBaggs, and Singe Owns 3S
GRAPSF returned to ULX after a three week sabbatical this Saturday… getting the Monty Python reference out of the way, “and there was much rejoicing”. Four new faces made their first appearance at a GRAPSF meetup: Phildo (TELEDILDONICS REPRESENT!), SwiftyMcQuik, Randall Son, and… Fred. Jolly Pirate Nickname to follow shortly. All four were great fun to have around and made excellent sports. Please make them welcome, folks.
Ranbat 1.3 was another exciting installment that had Slappy taking first with his fucking evil Zangief. There was a great match between Cuban Ace and Haypultone that came straight down to the wire, with HPT’s brutal Sagat finally grounding Cuban’s impressive Vega. Randall Son made an excellent first impression, taking fifth overall with his Chun Li, while Singe makes his first top eight appearance at number four after running through the gauntlet of Sagats with Ryu and Gouken. I suffered this week, taking second to last place: I guess I need to practice a bit!
The final results for 1.3 are as follows:
1) Slappy (8)
2) Haypultone (7)
3) SmurfTac0s (6)
4) Singe (5)
5) Randall Son (4)
6) Tru Talon (3)
7) Cuban Ace (2)
8 ) HotSauce! (1)
The exhibition match in Third Strike, featuring Singe’s Ken and MrBaggs’ (who finally returned to the fold!) deceptively evil Sean was a blast to watch, with MrBaggs’ giving Singe some trouble, though Singe finally came out on top. MrBaggs took his frustration out on ALL COMERS in Blazblue, using Ragna to great effect. My Arakune and Taokaka weren’t up to the task, which pretty much describes everyone who attempted to take him out. Singe, not to be outdone, stomped everyone is Third Strike, showing that low forward into super is still a bitch to deal with even ten years later. Tekken 6 was sampled and ultimately rejected on grounds that real games don’t have panda bears or boxing kangaroos in them. I thought I heard some people playing MvC2, but it might have been my imagination. All in all, it was a great time.
Our next meetup is next Saturday at ULX, starting at the usual time. The season is well underway, with seven more installments to go (ending on January 2nd). It’s still anyone’s game: practice your execution, drink cough syrup, jog naked late at night…whatever you have to do, because it’s only going to get crazier from here on out.